Tangent Technologies specializes in providing expert technical program management, cyber security infrastructure analysis, cloud services, and user-support services. From analysis, implementation to ongoing operational support, Tangent Technologies’ resource capabilities enhance government projects involved in managing our nation mission critical operations and securing our nation against ongoing cyber threats. Our vast experience positions us to handle critical milestones, key deliverables, financial constraints and resource allocation with every contract.
Cloud Services
User-Support Services
The key to any successful program is effective management. We at Tangent believe that effective program management can yield tremendous value by delivering efforts on time and under budget.
- Mission Alignment & Performance Management
- Program Planning
- PMBOK Principles
- Earned Value Management
We are mission focused and understand the need for securing the IT Infrastructure of our customers and nation. Just as our military defends our nation we believe rigor, process, and appropriate security controls are in place to enable the mission.
- Security Operations Center (SOC) staffing
- Focused Operations analysis
- Cyber Threat Intelligence staffing
- Intelligence Integration
- Security Compliance and Risk Analysis
Cloud solutions are no longer optional in today’s business environment. Our cloud infrastructure migration services include planning, designing, building and deploying intelligent enterprise solutions.
- Migration preparations
- Cloud environment setup
- Manage and review data
We specialize in providing enterprise class user-support services enabling clients to realize efficiencies while migrating to next generation networks such as borderless networks empowering telework, wireless integration, and software defined networking. Contact us for more information.
- Network Engineering
- Network Operations Center Staffing
- Network Services Support
- Operations Performance Management
6841 Elm Street #759
McLean, VA 22101
O: 571.409.6434
F: 703.995.0736